The whole point of this experiment was to have some accountability as I document what I am doing. I’ve been pretty bad about maintaining the writing but that’s my single resolution for the year
HDCP to start: 21
High HDCP: 22.4
Season-ending HDCP: 16.2
Did I get to my ultimate goal? No. Did I make progress, without a doubt yes! I have basically overhauled my swing completely this year and doing that while recording scores is not an easy thing to do. So, I am granting myself some grace that I didn’t get to a 10.
2023 Goal: I’m getting to a 10 or better.
Weight to start: 226.4
High weight: 234
Season-ending weight: 219
Did well with this, but then summer ended, and I increased my high weight for the year. I battled back to get it under 220 to end the year losing 15 pounds since the start of November. I put a lot of good habits together that I can carry forward to next year. Of course, this might go out the window if I completely collapse on the course during the summer and begin to drink Transfusions like it is a second career.
2023 Goal: I’m getting under 200.
Off-course training: x out of 12 workouts
Did a fairly good job until the weather got better and I could get out multiple times per week. I didn’t keep up with in-season workouts and that habit turned into me not doing off-season workouts. Also, there was a little issue with my gym having a pedophile taking pictures of kids at the pool, so it kind of turned me off going there and I have since canceled my membership. Off-season workouts begin again this week, but I need to put together an “in-season” plan.
2023 Goal: 3x per week off-season and establish an off-season plan
Miles walked: x out of 60 miles.
During the season I was crushing past this, in the off-season since November I have been using my under the desk treadmill to walk while on work calls. I’ve been near this number for the last two months and will continue to keep doing this.
2023 Goal: Continue what I am doing
Hours practicing: x out of 28 hours
Since Thanksgiving, except for playing a handful of times, I have basically shut things down for a little bit to concentrate on work and some other things going on. I also needed a bit of a break. There are a few things I learned about practicing, which we will cover in an upcoming post.
However, the parameters of this goal are changing for 2023
2023 Goal: Do something an hour a day that will improve my game (read, practice, stretch, etc.)
Coming Up: Additional 2023 Goals
Long time friend and reader…great job, keep up the good work.